Thursday, June 28, 2007
no idea why..
even steph and liangpieng felt tired..
so its not my fault for feeling tired :X
first period, english..
heng didnt collect holidays hw lorhs..
then blahbla, slpt during ss period.
slp thruout lorhs..
so shiok !
school ended at 1.35..
then homed (:
audi'ed til 4plus..
then bathed and went to meet dear..
then went to eat..
homed at ard 11pm :D
there's still arts nite rehearsals tmr..
sianning luhs !
wont be getting home before 7pm tmr?
hope can end early luhhs~
bye (:
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
was in sch til 7.30pm lor.
after school had arts nite rehersals..
2runs thru and it took damm long.
however was slacking most of the time las :P
hahaha !
after tat meet dear to eat (:
then awhiles more,
homeed :D
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
ytd was peer leader's investiture.
meaning the passout for sec fours seniors (:
the efforts put in by scarlett, cat, huizin and etc were paid off.
everything went on well :D
took damm lots of pictures.
after that went to ncc room to slack..
and talk back about our past?
stuffs during sec 1 (:
really enjoyed secondary school life with my fellow peer leaders (:
thanks alot people~
love you man ! :P
hahahah !
okay abit sot alrs..
had career talk by akram in the morning.
duperly sianning lorhs..
then went back class for maths..
akram again =.=
after tat was dnt.
was playing hp games with liangpieng~
then recess..
then english, didnt do hols hw.
kinda got "scolded"?
then was physics.
did revisions.
and lastly, geography.
was bluetoothing games to steph and liangpieng.
after sch went canteen sit..
played hp game again..
then went peerleader's meeting for awhile..
and homed (:
cant see dear today! ):
sianning luhs !
Sunday, June 24, 2007
sianning alrights?!
i haven did my homework !
arghs ~
shitty la!
i think i am only gonna do english hw.. :X
school reopen gonna be damm busy?
having remedials on most of the days?
cant get to meet dear ! ):
sianned laaaaas !
Saturday, June 23, 2007
then used com..
3plus prepared, went to KB to meet dear.
then went to makan.
then bused down to bugis.
walked ard.
bought monkeys :D
then 8plus bused back to KB..
slacked til 11plus, dear send me home (:
iloveyou dear! xD
Friday, June 22, 2007
today's match won ! xD
score was 30-59!
first 3quarters, the score was damm close..
then fourth quarter, we were leading by 19 points?
yea, nice one team (:
so we got fourth placing for youth cup :D:D:D
after match, went to meet dear (:
then went home, bathed and meet dear again.
pei him go kallang bahru meet his frens.
then headed to his godma's bbq.
left at ard 11.
then dear pei me bused 154 back to chup lao.
then went homeeeeeeee !
i hope this love will last;
iloveyou dear (:
mapled the whole day.
duperly lazy to go out :P
so chionged lvl, now 86 alreadys :D
finally luhs !
anw, jiayou tmr ! (((((((:
210607, 2240,
i trust you, i hope you wont forfeit my trust (:
Thursday, June 21, 2007
slp at 4am, woke up 9am.
but was late for rehersal :P
expected las.. i am always late :X
then had rehersal and stuffs.
after tat went to collect blazers.
then went singpost to eat.
ate at LJS.
after eating had longgggggg chat tgt :D
then walked awhile..
and bused homed ((:
match vs bedok north tmr.
if won, we will get fourth placing in youth cup :D
jiayou team !
i know we can derhs ! XDDD
jiayou bahs :D:D:D
had match at 1.30pm.
need to reach at 12pm.
so waked up at 11am.
super tired lorhs..
then had match vs singapore combined schools.
starting coach asked us to relaxs play..
dun injured can alreadys.
end up, halfway 1st quarter,
we were leading by 3points? 12-09
its quite amazing lors?
final score was 29-82?
not tat bad afterall luhs (:
after match went to eat chicken rice..
then headed home, bath, then went tnet.
went night safari~
reached there around 7 le?
then went in..
waited for animal show.
aftr animal show went to sat the tram..
after tram ride went to buy ben and jerry's icecream !
shared with yide !
dammmmmmmmm nice lorhs !
then went to walk ard night safari..
then 11plus, bused back to tnet.
then went hawker makan..
then slack at 57..
then homed ((((((:
there's peerleader investiture rehearsal..
need to wake up damm early luhs !
so, bye people (:
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
chalet was quite funn las.
yea, lazy to type long story.
haahha !
there's match tmr.
vs combined school..
ahahahaha !
going night safari tmr (:
bye people :D
Sunday, June 17, 2007
we won, 50-40 :D
after match went home..
then used com til 6plus.
then went vivo to have father's day dinner.
whole family plus sis's bf went (:
ate at no-signboard seafood restaurant.
the food is damm nice lorhs :P
hahahaha !
eat until damm full luhs !
then daddy drive us home :D
going basketball chalet tmr.
so wont be blogging tmr bahs..
bye people !
takecares !
and loves !! XD
with vic, jianhua, weitong, leonard, tingyi, shawn, kelvin, jisheng.
walked walked and walked.
damm tiring luhs!
somemore, wear heels lorhs..
walk until will die ahs !
went cine, then ate at foodcourt.
then went plaza sing.
went dorothy perkins and bought 3tops :D
like finally lorhs !
now my atm got a big hoooooooole !
then went arcade..
then went parklane..
pak pool (:
then 10plus, bused back to chuplao~
and homeeeeeeeeeeee ! xD
Saturday, June 16, 2007
yea, ytd had match vs amiralty(typo?) csc..
"slapped" some kiam pa people..
hahaha !
after match went to tnet watch vcd..
then went home ard 12plus (:
Thursday, June 14, 2007
fell aslp at 8pm :P
slp til 11am :D
and i skipped 3on3 due to too tired..
and was sicked also..
used com til 3pm.
then went back to slp, til 6pm.
then used com til 8plus..
then went macdonalds to eat.
then went to slacked at nearby..
homed at 1plus (:
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
joined them only at 3plus ytd..
they were playing water bomb las.
then after that they played coloured water bomb.
then went for "tele-match" at bball court.
damm haoxiao okays?!
need to complete the "race" thingy.
first was to peel orange, small kick la..
then 2nd, 10 rounds around chair. okok la.
then "wheel barrow" or wadever it is call..
(the walking on hands with leg lifted by another person)
then FLOUR with ping pong ball :D
they need to blow out the pingpong ball.
and tadas~ flour faces all over :P
then last was flour with sweet "buried" inside :D
use their mouth to bite out. :D:D:D
flour mouths :P
anyways, i didnt play..
i was camp leader(sec4s) xD
then was dinner..
the food.. boweigong la..
the drinks very BIG ah.. 100ml LOL !
then went temasek rm for graduation nite for sec4s.
abu describe every single sec4 PL from sec 1 to sec4, which is now..
yea, quite touching..
quite alot cried?
including the sec 2/3s?
then around 11 went to bath..
slp at 1am (:
day 2,
wake up at 6.30.
throat feeling damm chiam.
cos already got throat infection on day1 + still shout around.
then 7am, physical training.
i didnt do.. was slping at parade sq :D
then 8am, ate breakfast.
nasi lemak.. (:
then went to temasek room for "talk" thingy by chua-ong.
10am left school for amazing race.
was station master for vivo with scarlett.
we spent most of our time slacking? :P
shopping, eating, walking around ~
shuang bodohhs xD
3pm went back school.
then cleaned bunk, went dance studio..
debrief, photo takings, homed (:
Monday, June 11, 2007
was informed tat there's 3on3 bball competition.
so tadas~ clashed with peerleader camp.
and will be late for the camp.
hope whole thing would be fun ! (:
bye !
miss me people ! :D:D:D
Sunday, June 10, 2007
yea, its late already.
gotta zao soon.
cos there's captain's ball competition tmr !
hohoooooos !
jiayou jiayous xD
may not be blogging later?
due to, busy packing camp stuffs :D
bye people ! :D
tag me if you miss me :P
byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee !
Saturday, June 09, 2007
pictures !
enjoy the pictures people ! XD
tampines mall

shermaine lesbian partner :P

left one is 2006, right one 2007 (:
birthday 2007 :D

birthday cakeeee :D

presents and big big balloons :D

crystal (:

crystal again ! (:

weitong (:

kelvin (:

vicwee (:
team celebrations(ks/me bday)

me and ks (:

szeyinggggg !

stephhhhh ! (:

xiaomei ! (:

sioks ! (:

steph and yuan (:

yuann and siok ! (:
and last but not leasst~

sianning luhs ! ):
watching the 8pm show right now.
and lin yu zhong is damm shuai ! :X
he has a duper nice voice too :D
hohos !
shall post the pictures on next post if possible (:
TEAM ! (:
had match vs killiney kopitiam.
won by 30plus-60plus?
not sure of the score :X
got into 2nd round :D
after match went to makan..
then went back watch b'boy's match.
then headed to macdonalds see them eat..
then went tnet to watch haunted house.
not bad luhs..
that show. (:
then went homeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee XD
Thursday, June 07, 2007
went to school for dnt at 11am AGAIN..
did lacquering then went for lunch :D
then went back and did my maze xD
its half done now !
damm diff to do luhs !
hardwork okays?! :P
then went home at 5plus..
rotted til now..
damm damm damm bored !
there's match tmr ! :D
vs killiney kopitiam !
Jiayou team ! :D:D:D
it has been 2months now.
time to let go,
forget things.
sicked and tired of loving again and again.
goodbye my love )':
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
You are The Chariot
Triumph, Victory, Overcoming Obstacles.
The chariot is one of the most complex cards to define. On its most basic level, it implies war, a struggle, and an eventual, hard-won victory. Either over enemies, obstacles, nature, the beasts inside you, or to just get what you want. But there is a great deal more to it. The charioteer wears emblems of the sun, yet the sign behind this card is the moon. The chariot is all about motion, and yet it is often shown as stationary. It is a union of opposites, like the black and white steeds. They pull in different directions, but must be (and can be!) made to go together in one direction. Control is required over opposing emotions, wants, needs, people, circumstances; bring them together and give them a single direction, your direction. Confidence is also needed and, most especially, motivation. The card can, in fact, indicate new motivation or inspiration, which gets a stagnant situation moving again.
What Tarot Card are You?
Take the Test to Find Out.
and was late for dnt :X
reached school only at 11am.
then went to eat at 12pm :X
went back school ard 1pm.
designed my maze of artefact.
cut wood..
went off early at 3plus (:
c'boys got into 2nd round :D
grats ! XD
hahaha !
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
many of them was surprised that i actually went?
did lacquering today.
and my hands are full of lacquer !
my rubbby house tshirt also kana !
sian diao luhs !
today reached school at 10.30 when dnt starts at 9.30 :X
then did abit until 12plus.
went singpost to makan.
then went back school.
reached school ard 3.
then did til 4plus5..
then went home :D
there's c/b boy's match tmr..
but i am only going to watch b'boy's match..
jiayou guys (:
score was 48-45 :D
won by 3points..
but damm damm damm happy alreadys !
cos we've got quite a high chance of getting into 2ndround? XD
yay'ness !
back to school tmr..
for stupid dnt !
sianning luhs !
okays las..
siam alreadys..
quite late ler :X~
byes ! XD
Sunday, June 03, 2007
cabbed there..
ate kfc..
then went to court..
then went walked ard..
then ate macdonalds.
and bused back to chuplao.
went 64 play bball.
10plus homed (*:
lazy to blog uhs~ :X
hahaha !
gotta siam alreadys !
there's match vs homeunited tmr !
and gotta wakeee up early !
soooo, bye :D
Saturday, June 02, 2007
sucha pig :P
i slped at 3am-3pm :D
12hours ! shiokkks ! XD
wake up, use com til 5plus.
then prepare, went bugis.
met kaisin, siok, steph.
then went to walk ards.
then bused to geylang, meet szeying, xiaomei and eat :D
first stop, beef hor fun..
quite nice.. but spicyyyyyyyyy~
2nd stop dim sim (:
nice nice ! XD
3rd stop, dou hua :P
nice too xD !
then walked back to chuplao..
siannings !
although we lost by 2points,
it was a niceeee game (:
nice one team :D
kaisin power bodohs~
shot in 12points one shot ~
nice one~ :D:D:D
then left for cboys' match in coach's car.
they won to queenstown (:
then bused back to school.
then ate, homed (:
freaking sians bodohs~
i skipped dnt for 3days already :X~
first day, tei gong..
second day, never give any reason? :X
3rd day, my birthday? plus match :D
hahaha !
i think teacher gonna faint :X
and i gonna skipp dnt on monday too :X
cos there's match~
buaahahaha !
bye peopleeeeeeeeeeeeeee~
let go without telling you?
or tell you, and get an answer?
i really duno.
i jus wan a simple, yet everlasting love.
is it really tat difficults?
sighs ):
Friday, June 01, 2007
so this are all the people who wished me happy birthday (:
by time order..(sms)
liangpieng, peixing, jieqiang kor, shawn, jisheng, siokyi, leonard, yide, jevonne, angbao, shermainelesbian :P, wyekheung, laraine, jerome, carol, catherine, kenny, yanying, jasper..
and those by msn, tag, in person ! :D
thanks alot !
today went orchard..
with crystal, kelvin, vicwee, weitong, christopher.
firstly, went cine kobayashi to eat.
then walked ard.
then went heeren walk ard.
then walked to far east..
bought my black cardigan !
like finally la? :D
then went to eat again..
ate oyster mee suaaaaaaa, XXL chicken (:
hohos !
then went to parklane to play pool.
i opened table :D
hahaah !
then bused back to chuplao.
went 57 slacked awhiles.
then deliver food to peishan's house.
then back to 57, then to hawker..
pei kelvin eat.
then homed ! (:
i quite enjoyed my day today :D
thanks to all !
lovesssssssss ! XD
how i wished i would be as happy as today everyday?
but i doubt i will?
anyways, thanks for all the presents, greetings ! :D
will upload all the pictures soon ! (:
there's match tmr..
vs teckghee csc!
jiayou team ! XD
i'll get love, this freaking thing, out of my life (:
i dont need love in my life..